What is Your Why?

The turtle and the power of the WHY!

I adopted the WHY concept several years ago.  It was introduced to me by Worldhotels via a book that literally changed my way of thinking both personally and professionally. “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek is all about being inspired by your purpose and the WHY behind it all.  It relates to business, buying, selling, creating, family, friends and just living your best life ever!

My journey started with an amazing WHY Workshop at the hotel where we gave birth to our Royal Park Hotel  WHY “Every Day Luxury” and where I learned that having clarity of the WHY provides a deeper meaning and refreshing perspective..  Tapping into the WHY sparks clarity and purpose in our actions and experiences!  The “how” and “what” follow but the WHY always leads.

Check out Simon’s video here for a better understanding of it all.  It took me awhile to fully embrace this concept but when I did it was like a huge earthquake awakening.

In this world of consumerism and materialism I felt a strong need to find a better way.  Adopting the WHY in my personal and professional life was a complete game changer!  I no longer spend much money at big box stores buying mass produced products that don’t have meaning.  I also value my time by saying no to the good so I can say yes to the great!  I focus more time on experiences rather than material things.  It’s all about authenticity, purpose and taking time to listen to your soul.  It’s all about the WHY!

Here is a very simple but sweet example.

You see this turtle?  Yes it’s a turtle (that is the what) and it was purchased at a local shop (that might be the how).

But it’s all about the WHY

This sweet little turtle was given to me on Mother’s Day during a girl’s family weekend at the cottage with my sister, twin nieces and mom.  It was purchased at a small gift shop in our community center featuring local artists.  The artist who made this turtle was the same artist who taught my four year old nieces their first “Pewee Picasso” art class.  My mom and I attended the art class with the girls and we had so much fun watching my four year old nieces let their art out and experience curiosity, colors and creativity.  The girls absolutely adored their very first art teacher who was so patient and kind.

So you see this might appear to be a cute little ceramic turtle but the WHY behind the turtle means so much more.

What’s your WHY?

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